Parking Lost and Parking Decks
Maintaining a safe driving environment for your parking lot or deck is important for so many reasons. Protecting your customers along with yourself is critical to running a business, and making sure your parking deck or lot stays drivable so that accidents don't occur is critical to running your business.
Below are the machines we recommend, for both sweeping debris and litter and scrubbing up oil and stains. Have questions? Just give the Caliber Team a shout - We're here to help!

Caliber's Recommended Equipment:
Scrubber Sweepers
Combination sweeper scrubbers can both sweep and scrubyour floors in a single pass, or utilize one system over the other in situations where you only need one function.
Parking Lot Sweepers
When cleaning up both natural and unnatural debris and gravel is your main foucs, a large ride on sweeper will get the job done.
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